Strategy & research


-Identify and support emerging regional technology clusters through data analysis and strategy development focused on growth

-Participate  in and help coordinate data-informed responses to competitive federal and other funding opportunities that draw down funding to support startup and other innovation activity

-Identify evidence-based best practices and promote them to relevant stakeholders, for example, growth capital tools and services that better support divers founders

-Create statewide and regional innovation data benchmarks – track and report overtime

-Develop and publish an annual Michigan innovation report with associated stakeholder convening

-Create and maintain an innovation ecosystem asset map


-Strategy development helps Michigan’s regional technology clusters understand their opportunities to grow and key interventions that can get them there

-Michigan’s regional technology clusters and innovation districts collaborate and draw down more federal and other funding to support their efforts

-Michigan policymakers, entrepreneurship support organizations, founders, and investors understand where Michigan’s innovation ecosystem excels, where it needs work, and who is involved

-Michigan’s innovation leaders regularly come together to assess and advance the state’s opportunity to grow