Michigan is ready to MIX it up

MISSION: Serve as a champion for innovation and economic transformation with a deep commitment to cultivating, attracting, and retaining diverse founders and strategic partnerships across Michigan and from around the world.

VISION: The MIX is a trusted, go-to partner that identifies, aligns, and advocates for quality, value-added investment, services, and practices that strengthen the innovation landscape and is the first place growth-minded founders and other organizations go to collaborate and grow in Michigan. . 

Because of The MIX’s collaborative efforts, Michigan will become one of the best places in the world to start and grow a tech and innovation-focused business and a leading destination for diverse, growth-minded firms. It will be home to several tightly networked, visible, and founder-friendly communities across the state focused on opportunity advancement and barrier removal for its most innovative founders. Its ability to create an environment where new growth-centered businesses and investment will draw others from around the globe, helping transform the state’s economy and create jobs and opportunity that appeal to future generations of Michiganders.

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