Welcome to The MIX
The MIX and its affiliated statewide executive leadership and general innovation councils will serve as champions for innovation and economic transformation, with a deep commitment to cultivating, attracting, and retaining diverse founders and strategic partnerships across Michigan and from around the world. Working closely with our many partners, we strive to enhance Michigan’s innovation capacity through increased investment, high-quality and aligned support services, leading-edge policies, research-based strategies, and storytelling aimed at growing visibility and proponents.
Executive Council
The MIX’s executive council is an invitation only body of startup, investment, university, and corporate innovation leaders (state, national, and beyond) providing regular input into, prioritizing, and endorsing The MIX's policy, strategy, and storytelling activities and providing visibility, credibility, and a voice for the Michigan innovation ecosystem.
Innovation Council
The MIX’s general innovation council is a broad cross section of Michigan’s innovation stakeholders, comprising any partner—service provider, investor, founder, nonprofit, or other supporting champion—seeking to advance Michigan's innovation ecosystem. The innovation council helps generate ideas and recommendations—for policy, research, strategic focus, and stories—for the executive council’s ultimate review and recommendation.
The Board
The MIX’s board ensures that the organization’s staff, structure, resources, and day-to-day activities meet nonprofit requirements and obligations required by law and relevant funding streams. This group makes key organizational decisions based on input from staff and the innovation and executive councils, respectively.