-Convene a premier, statewide innovation council of diverse thought leaders providing thought partnership and leadership on a robust Michigan innovation strategy that transcends term limits and administrative change
-Working with the innovation council and MEDC’s Chief Innovation & Entrepreneurship Officer, develop and advocate for a startup/innovation-friendly policy platform, advancing 2-3 key priorities each year. (Local, state, federal)
-Benchmark exemplary policies and practices (government, investment, support orgs, etc.) and help to advance their adoption among relevant stakeholder groups - support capacity building across the ecosystem
-Monitor and report on the health of the ecosystem and serve as a resource for policy and other leading decision makers
-Focus on increasing and consistent government, philanthropic, corporate and other investment in strategies in support of innovation.
-Michigan has the top policy environment for startups in the nation and is among the top in the world; it boasts leading-edge investment, taxation, R&D, incentive, regulatory, talent, and other business policy environment for startups
-There is consistent and growing inclusion in economic development strategy of diverse startups and their needs, especially those focused on growth
-Partner supports and practices are transparent, streamlined, aligned, and current, demonstrating efficiency and coordination that founders need for success
-Potential ecosystem investors have the information and support they need to make smart funding decisions that advance entrepreneurial support
-Regular data and information is available about the health of Michigan’s entrepreneurship ecosystem; data partners share information and collaborate on tracking mechanisms and reporting; data informs continuous improvement efforts